CoolSculpting® Reveals the Work You’ve Already Done
CoolSculpting® Reveals the Work You’ve Already Done
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My CoolSculpting patients here in Idaho Falls aren’t very different from most other body-contouring patients I see. These men and women often have a few key things in common, and their commitment to healthy living is a major common thread.
We’re lucky to live in a place with such abundant natural beauty and the opportunity for year-round activity. The popularity of CoolSculpting in my practice indicates that sometimes even the healthiest lifestyles are no match for unwanted areas of fat.
As I’ve learned with patient after patient, CoolSculpting is ideal for unveiling the well-toned and fit bodies that active people already have.
The Abs
A strong core lays the foundation for a healthy, resilient body. But for many people who regularly do planks and crunches as part of their workouts, those “6-pack abs” are already there — beneath a stubborn layer of fat. CoolSculpting can help eliminate this fat, making all the work you’ve done much more visible.
Before & After CoolSculpting
Before & After CoolSculpting
Before & After CoolSculpting
Before & After CoolSculpting
The Thighs & Hips
Squats, lunges, running, or a regular yoga practice can all be helpful for toning your lower half, but that muscle tone might not be evident if you have a predisposition to accumulate fat on the hips and thighs. One of CoolSculpting’s most well-known indications is for efficiently treating fat in these areas, revealing more slender and muscular legs.
Before & After CoolSculpting
Before & After CoolSculpting
Before & After CoolSculpting
Before & After CoolSculpting
The Flanks & Back
Rowers and swimmers in particular develop strong backs, and strength in this area is also essential to staving off injuries later in life. But having even a bit of flab here can mar all of your hard work, resulting in bulges and rolls in clingy clothing. CoolSculpting on these areas can reduce fat, leaving surrounding tissue untouched and intact.
Before & After CoolSculpting
Before & After CoolSculpting
Before & After CoolSculpting
Before & After CoolSculpting
Keeping CoolSculpting in Perspective
CoolSculpting is intended to put the finishing touches on your body; it’s not a weight-loss procedure on its own. That’s why CoolSculpting creates such remarkable results on patients who already live a healthy, active lifestyle.
Take the Next Step
Are you ready to take your physique to the next level? I encourage you to get in touch if you have questions about CoolSculpting or if you’re ready to get started. Call our office today at
(208) 881-5351 or request a consultation.
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